Newcastle Computer Training

Excel Course Descriptions

Excel Introductory

Excel Intermediate

Excel Advanced

Power Query Essentials

Excel Introductory will give you the essential tools for understanding, creating and working with spreadsheets.

What you will learn:

  • open and navigate within workbooks and worksheets
  • work with ranges
  • perform calculations with formulas and functions
  • copy and paste data in Excel
  • use formula cell referencing for more complex formulas
  • format worksheets
  • change worksheet page setup
  • print workbook data
  • create effective charts in Microsoft Excel.

Excel Intermediate covers formulas and function techniques, more intricate formatting, using intricate charting features, and working more effectively with existing worksheets and workbooks.

What you will learn:

  • use the fill operations available
  • work with logical functions in Excel
  • use a range of formula techniques
  • apply a range of number formatting
  • apply conditional formatting
  • apply more advanced page setup
  • use a range of find and replace techniques
  • sort and filter data in a list in a worksheet
  •  enhance charts.

Excel Advanced will show you how to create lookup functions, set Excel options, enhance charts, protect worksheet data, and perform advanced data operations.

What you will learn:

  • use a range of lookup functions
  • customise the formatting of charts in Excel
  • use labels and names
  • protect data in worksheets and workbooks
  • create summaries using subtotals
  • link data within worksheets and workbooks
  • use Data Consolidation feature to combine data from several workbooks into one
  • create Pivot Table reports
  • create a Pivot Chart
  • use Goal Seek
  • use Solver
  • create recorded macros in Excel.

Do you work with data that has been exported from a system of record?  This could be a general ledger, accounting, SAP, Access, or any reporting system that contains data.

If so, you probably spend a lot of time transforming or re-shaping your data to create additional reports, pivot tables, or charts.

Power Query will save you time spent on repetitive tasks.

Power Query is Get and Transform on the Data tab. It is a built-in feature from Excel 2016 upwards.

What Power Query can do:

  • Imports data from Excel, csv, txt, Sharepoint, and a multitude of file formats
  • Keeps file size small  while storing volumes of data
  • Transforms and cleans data
  • Keeps an audit trail of all changes
  • Updates reports when more data is added.

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